Student Management Systems are various software packages that enable school districts to manage their extensive student information needs. Highly trained technical and competent support personnel work with districts to provide service and expertise as needed by the individual districts.
NOTE:Required implementation fee for new systems - Per Quote
Prerequisite:Core Participation. Participation in appropriate maintenance chargeback determined by system vendor and 605.250.010 RWADA Charge
Basis for Charge: Base Charge $21,550 per District
605.250.010- Student Management Systems - RWADA
Student Management Systems arevarious software packages that enable school districts to manage theirextensive student information needs. Highly trained technical and competentsupport personnel work with districts to provide service and expertise asneeded by the individual districts.
NOTE:Required implementation fee for new systems - Per Quote
Prerequisite:Core Participation. Participation in appropriate maintenance chargebackdetermined by system vendor and 605.250.000 Base Charge
Basisfor Charge: RWADA $1.07 per RWADA