PE/Health Forum:
While the content of each forum is driven by the participants, all forums will have a similar structure:
•Active participation in areas of expertise, from the participants and the Coordinated School Health Team
•Updates from the NYSED (as appropriate)
•District Roundtable – to share questions, successes and resources from participating districts
•Design/Network Time - professional time set aside purposefully to collaborate across districts
•Share information with district colleagues and administrators
•Community Partner presentations
While the Coordinated School Health Team will serve as facilitators for each forum, these forums are designed for participant interaction and sharing, as well as for reporting back to the larger district. Resources will be shared in person, via listservs and electronically to facilitate this communication.
We respectfully request that you limit participants to two from each district. Once we have final numbers, we will open up additional slots should they become available. Forums will meet three times over the course of the school year from 8:30 am – 2:00 pm. In order to get the most out of the collaborative time together, it is expected that participants will be able to stay for the entire session and we encourage you to have the same person attend all meetings as forum topics tend to build throughout the school year.
The Physical Education and Health Forum aims to act as a collaborative network of educators sharing best practices, connect teachers with community resources and organizations, and update teachers with the latest changes in NYS Regulations and mandates related to health and PE instruction.
Dates: October 18, 2024
January 24, 2025
May 30, 2025
Time: 8:30am – 2:00 pm (5.5 hours)
Location: 10/18/24 LoGuidice Large Group Room (Building A)
01/24/25 LoGuidice Large Group Room (Building A)
05/30/25 LoGuidice Large Group Room (Building A)
Cost: No Charge for Districts in Coser 516.030 or 516.031.
$160/participant charge for all three sessions for districts not in CoSer 516.030 or 516.031.
Please note : there is no additional cost for participants from ICE 8 districts.